Obviously, in order to find happiness in your personal life. Happiness with a foreign man, it is not enough just to choose a reliable dating site with foreigners. As has been noted more than once, international dating sites provide the conditions for Aspects of dating, however. They do not have power over people’s feelings. They cannot interest a man in meeting a woman, in a personal meeting with her. And certainly not be able to triptogether.com make him fall in love with her. To attract the attention of a worthy man. To please him is the task of the woman herself.
On the pages of our blog, we have repeatedly talked about. The factors that influence the success of online dating , and tried to explain common misconceptions about foreigners. Online dating and long-distance relationships . Today we once again return to the topic of personal interest in. The success of dating and, let’s not be afraid of this word, work on our happiness. So, we would like to give a brief overview of two important components of online dating with foreigners. Which, unfortunately, are often overlooked.
The Visual Aspect of Virtual Dating: Visual Appeal
“Men love with their eyes’ ‘ This seemingly simple statement explains the principle that guides men when looking through. Women’s profiles on a dating portal and deciding who they would like to start dating. Imagine for a moment a search results page on a dating site. Lots of miniature photos of women. Of most women’s profiles, a man, as a rule, will open that profile. The main photo which attracted his attention, interested him. And after the profile has been opened. He will get acquainted with the information about her owner. Look at additional photos and decide whether he wants to start dating this woman. It is for this reason that we advise you to choose a portrait photo. As the main photo of the profile. A photo that makes you smile and invites you to get to know each other.
Which Photos are Not Suitable as The Main Photo of the Profile?
- Photos taken from a distance. Such pictures, on the one hand, reflect the beauty and harmony of the figure, but, on the other hand. Are not suitable for the main photo, the photo that should capture the attention of a man. These photos are “lost” in the search results. Which leads to the fact that the profile does not attract the attention of men and, as a result, is opened less often.
- Pictures in which a woman has an overly serious or sad expression on her face. Such photographs are not conducive to communication, because on an intuitive level. A man has the impression that, if he takes the first step towards the beginning of an acquaintance. There is a high probability of a negative reaction from the lady, the probability of being refused.
You can read more about the mistakes made when choosing photos for a dating site in the article “Photos for a dating site with foreigners: 10 mistakes” .
The Wealth of The Inner World: Interesting and Meaningful Communication – Aspects of Dating
In the article “Dating Foreigners: Where Does Misunderstanding Come From and Why Cavaliers Disappear?” We noted that one of the common mistakes in communicating with foreigners made by women from Eastern European countries is the emphasises coldness, reticence and lack of interest in learning more about a man. This feature of female behavior can be explained by ignorance of the mentality of men from other countries and the expectation from a foreigner of the usual manner of behavior of a Slavic man.
Dear ladies, we ask you to remember the difference in cultures, the difference in mentality and the peculiarities of virtual dating. If you are nearby, meeting in everyday conditions, people can often understand each other without words, then, getting to know online, you need to communicate with a man, write letters to him and tell about yourself. Europeans do not consider Slavic women (women in general) to be a “trophy” to be won. They believe that a self-confident, attractive woman makes her choice and does not need an obsessive, against her will “conquest” from a man. She knows what she wants from a relationship and has an idea of what kind of man she would like to see next to her. This also means that she knows what information is important for her to learn about a new acquaintance and does not hesitate to ask him questions.
How to Improve Your Chances of Meeting a Promising gentleman?
- Choose beautiful photos for your profile on an international dating site. We never tire of repeating that for dating on the Internet, dating that takes place at a distance, attractive photos play a very important role. Take the time, put in the effort, and capture compelling shots. You yourself should be interested in the success of dating, and high-quality pictures are a way to draw men’s attention to your profile.
Perhaps you should not spare money and use the services of a professional photographer who will create an attractive, mysterious, feminine image and select the right environment. However, discuss one circumstance with the photographer in advance: Pictures for a dating site should look natural .
- You are not photographed for the cover of a glossy magazine, but in order to attract the attention of a real man.
Take a large number of attractive photos so that you have a choice and can change the main photo of your profile on a dating site more often. Recall that it is the main photo of your profile that decides whether it will attract the attention of a man in the search results and whether he will open your profile. Having taken a large number of beautiful photos, he does not add them all to the profile on the dating portal, but leaves the photos for correspondence with the man. Attach an attractive photo to each letter for a foreign partner. Together with an interesting and meaningful letter, this will make a good impression: a harmonious combination of external data and a beautiful inner world. He will not only be fascinated by your external attractiveness, but also interested in your personality. triptogether - When communicating with a foreigner, do not expect pressure and questions from him. A foreign cavalier may not want to seem intrusive.
Foreign men often interpret the laconicism of a woman as a lack of interest in getting to know each other, so try to be interesting and proactive in communication:- think in advance about the topics on which you would like to talk with a new acquaintance;
- formulate questions that you would like to ask him;
- think about what you would like to tell him about yourself and what he definitely needs to know.
- You can use these topics and questions when communicating with each new foreign acquaintance. However, try to distribute this information evenly over several emails. Large and too informative letters tire the interlocutor.
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When asking questions, pay attention to their form. Use a polite form of address to the interlocutor. You can find more recommendations regarding correspondence and communication with a foreign man in a selection of our blog articles on the topic “Communication with a foreigner” .
Do not hesitate to take the initiative to get acquainted with the man you are interested in. In other words, be prepared to be the first to text the man you’re interested in. You can read more about the benefits of being proactive about finding a life partner in 3 Reasons Why You Should Start Writing to Men First .