How can you not end a relationship? How do you break up via Facebook as a last resort? Things to remember before deciding to end the relationship!
feel sad when I listen to such stories. Me, a peasant who usually went everywhere with my friends, sometimes I do not agree with how they do. Life still teaches and corrects many beliefs. On the one hand, good, because life has written another text. Unfortunately, less joyful and full of optimism. SharekAlomre.com This time we’ll talk about how a certain girl ended a relationship in the wrong way!
After all, guys felt the same?
I have heard more than once that we get ours. That girls would finally start treating men in the same way some of us have treated women for centuries. I don’t want to reveal too many details, but you probably know some stories where a woman turned the cards. Two of my friends started dating each other. Everything is beautifully nice, and suddenly an SMS message – ” sorry, I’m breaking up with you, you will find someone better “.
Women usually got this message , but this time it was the other way around. There are many reasons, but this time complexes, low self-esteem or self-esteem played a significant role. Sometimes a lack of understanding of the other party, communication problems or a feeling of mismatch in a given relationship can spoil even the most promising relationship.
If the boy broke up like that
Apparently not a problem, because there are worse things in the world, but if the boy broke up on the news, somehow it would probably be the biggest bastard walking on Earth. SharekAlomre I heard many times ” because they are stupid and not worth the effort, they are better, let the sucker chase you “.
What can a boy think of a girl who breaks up via SMS instead of waiting to meet him? Immature for a relationship? Mismatched, or maybe too stupid to know you can’t do that? Here different ideas come to mind, especially when treated like this.
This story does not end yet. After almost a year of meetings with friends, such a girl expresses a desire to return via the popular Messenger. A few days later, ” I changed my mind, sorry .”
You know what he might think? – End a Relationship
Suppose she proposes again and he rejects her whims. She would become most likely the greatest bastard and bastard she had ever met. Although he was willing to give a chance twice, devote his free time . Adapt to “your lady”. A small suggestion on my part that I wrote about in another text: Respect to be respected, listen to be heard. Help to be helped. Support someone to support you .
The best way to end a relationship!
If we want to end the relationship in this way, I think it might be worth rethinking. Not to think about whether “we have a good conversation” or whether you are for the other person more than an aesthetic and sexy body?
Maybe in some time the other person will surprise us with something positive, because if we get a chance, in my opinion, we should not only look through the prism of how we are with someone, but what he feels and thinks with the other person. The text “How to overcome shyness” can help here.
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If we are sure, there is no point in hoping for another human being. We should make an appointment through this unfortunate Facebook to meet face to face and say what he feels. If not, at least with your head down, explain humanly why we don’t want to be with someone anymore. As the culture dictates, even if we are hurt, we should go with someone you trust , so that a bit further away.