You would like to be able to Approach a Girl these pretty strangers that you meet on a daily basis. But you are too afraid of not knowing what to say and of being sent on the roses? How to approach a girl while overcoming this fear. that drives you without being too eager? Here are some infallible techniques to help you face this first step of seduction.
Take courage in both hands to approach a girl
Have you fallen in love with a woman in a bar, on the street, or at the media library? There’s no magic formula or a thousand techniques for approaching a girl you don’t know … you just have to get started! Above all, do not think too much, because when you think, you quickly give up and turn back. YourLatinMates Tell yourself one thing: at worst, you fail…and failure isn’t the end of the world. And then as they say, there are plenty of fish in the ocean.
The technique to approach a girl? Create an opening!
You’re in luck, we’re revealing the unstoppable technique for approaching a girl you don’t know. If you have plenty of time for it and the situation is right for it, it is indeed best to get a girl ‘s attention before approaching her . For example, you can stare at her insistently (without overdoing it, of course!) to make her understand that you like her.
Before approaching a girl , you also have the right to smile at her, if you feel like it. This will aim to immediately relax the atmosphere and inspire confidence. If she likes you too, and unless she is really very shy or already in a relationship, she will normally return your gaze or your smile: now is the time to approach her! approach gently!
When you approach a girl by talking to her about her physique, there is a good chance of being rebuffed directly. Avoid blatant compliments, seen and reviewed, such as: “you are really charming” or “ you are super beautiful ”, especially in the street.
For example, you could approach a girl using an element of the context. The approach will therefore be personalized according to the place, the situation and therefore, the girl. After saying hello to her (of course, politeness above all!), you will tell her about your interest in her with a sentence like: “I really like your style. » Or you will find a pretext, like for example the book she is reading: « I don’t want to be indiscreet, but can I know what you are reading? “A good technique to approach a girl !
How to approach a girl ? By taking an interest in his tastes, of course!
To put the odds on your side and approach a girl you don’t know (yet). A piece of advice: take an interest in her tastes, and personalize your comments. Above all, do not sow doubt and let her think that she is the thirtieth girl of the day to whom you speak and that you compliment (even if that is perhaps the case!).
The first question to ask yourself. Do you know where to approach a girl ? Of course, there are parties, nightclubs and bars, whether crowded or not. Now that life is gradually resuming its course. You will be able to meet new people and thus get to know single women. Without having to be tricky on a daily basis. Be careful though, young women can sometimes be on the YourLatinMates.Com defensive in this kind of place. Quite simply because they are unfortunately often connoted with flirting, and rather heavy flirting. Approaching a girl at a party is then not always as easy as the one might think so.
There then remain the everyday places, those which. At first glance, you do not suspect and which do not have great seduction potential. And yet, it is in the simple things that we find the keys to happiness !
Take The Little Cafe on the Corner
for example. If it does not look like much, it nevertheless has great potential. Have you noticed this young woman on the terrace, very busy reading the latest fashionable novel. While sipping an iced coffee? This scene has the good points. First, the young woman is installed: she therefore has time in front of her. Is not in a hurry, and can totally be willing to converse . Second, she’s reading a book. Which will make your approach easier . Thirdly, she is alone, which will allow you to approach her in peace. Indeed, contrary to evenings in discotheques or in bars in the evening, the young woman (and therefore, your target of the day!) is not surrounded by her horde of friends, this same band which can, sometimes, you get in the way (voluntarily or involuntarily!).
It’s up to you now to see what field you want to take her to, but above all , personalize your approach : her tastes in literature, the books she advises you to read, has she read other books by the same author or maybe she knows a nice bookstore in the neighborhood? So many questions that will allow you to start a conversation and approach this girl with subtlety.é.
You can also ask her nicely what she advises you to choose in this café: like her, an iced coffee? The juice of the day? A chai latte for more exoticism? Besides, is she a regular at the place? Depending on how she answers you, you will know if you can continue the conversation, or if you take a big risk: that of being rejected without consideration. But after all, isn’t this risk worth taking, if there is a real encounter at stake ?
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An essential piece of advice for a girl: stay normal!
To approach a stranger , you will have to leave your shyness and your fear at home. Relax, be natural and don’t overplay. What matters in the end is not really how you approach him, but the first impression you will give him. Forget all the slightly ridiculous catchphrases, which, a priori, never worked. A few examples not to be reproduced:
- “My phone has a problem: it doesn’t have your number”
- “Can I call you Biscotte? ‘Cause you’re cute”
- “Do you believe in love at first sight, or do I have to go a second time?” »
The goal is that she sees you not as someone heavy or a little weird, but as someone normal, nice and interesting. Someone to whom she would really like to give her number (and the real one)… Follow our advice and our techniques to approach a girl , and we promise, you will thank us afterwards!