Online dating is fundamentally different from Choose The Right Photo dating in person. When a man and a woman meet online, there is no spatial proximity, the effect of a “live” presence of a person: they cannot look into each other’s eyes, see how a new acquaintance or acquaintance behaves in the first minutes of meeting. When meeting “live”, an elusive image of a person attracts: a combination of his movements, manner of speech, facial expressions, sight, smell. We cannot say exactly datinggrp.com why we liked him or her, we feel sympathy intuitively – we were attracted by the image. All this, however, is absent when we meet online, using a dating site.
Create an image that a man wants to fall in love with
On dating sites with foreigners, the role of an image that fascinates and makes you take the first step towards acquaintance is played by photographs. Your photo is the man’s first impression of you. It will be positive, neutral or negative, whether it will encourage a man to write to you – it depends only on you!
Create, with the help of photos, an image that will reflect your personality and at the same time attract men! After all, in order to attract the attention of a serious-minded man, you need to carefully select photos, and not upload the first selfie that comes across from your phone or a photo from five years ago.
Not everyone can be born with an ideal appearance and figure, however, every woman can follow the tips below.
Main photo
As the main photo of the profile, it is best to choose a photo – a portrait in which you smile and look at the camera. A smile and a look directed MeetMe.com at the camera are conducive to acquaintance. The woman in the photo is open and will be glad to make a new acquaintance, she does not hide her gaze, she has nothing to hide.
Don’t forget, men love to see a woman’s smile! – Choose The Right Photo
A stern and serious facial expression, on the contrary, is less attractive. A dating site is looking for a woman with whom I would like to share my life, and not listen to her problems.
Think about the details of the portrait, namely, do not hide your face with sunglasses, hands or hair, and do not hide your hair under a cap, hat or scarf.
A cheerful and well-groomed woman should look at a man from a portrait. To do this, think about moderate makeup and beautifully styled hair.
Remember that the main photo decides whether a man will stop his attention on this profile, on this woman, or continue to browse EuroDate.com review the women’s catalog further.
Additional photos
Add some full length photos. In doing so, pay attention to the following recommendations.
If you want to get acquainted with a serious man who is thinking about starting a family, then the profile photos should be appropriate. To give a simple example, a woman in photographs should look like she is going on a first date, and not to a nightclub, to the beach or to lie down with a book on the couch. On the first date, as a rule, they do not come without makeup, styled hair and with an exhausted expression on their faces.
Choose clothes that will emphasize your femininity and give you an elegant look. It can be a dress, skirt or trousers – the main thing is that the clothes emphasize the dignity of the woman’s appearance.
After all, every woman knows the advantages and disadvantages of her appearance. It is necessary to emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide the flaws! We are all imperfect, however, there is no need to flaunt our “minuses” and wait for Cupid’s arrow to pierce a man’s heart at the sight of dirty hair or extra pounds, emphasized by tight clothes…
Choose photos that show you clearly! – Choose The Right Photo
A man should see you, not the sea behind you or the beauty of the landscape. After all, what kind of serious interest can we talk about when in a photograph a man sees only a silhouette in the distance or a shadow against the background of a bright window?
Add life to your profile! If you have pictures of yourself in an unusual setting (for example, after skydiving, on horseback, or on top of a mountain), add them! This will help show how versatile you are and perhaps give you an excuse to start chatting easily and naturally. After all, it is not always easy for men to take the first step towards acquaintance. And one picture can tell more about a woman than any, even the most detailed, enumeration of interests and hobbies.
This includes pictures with pets 😉 Western European countries have a special attitude towards pets: they are members of the family, they are taken care of, they are protected.
Use only actual photos! Photos of bygone years create the wrong impression and, accordingly, false expectations: not only for a man, but also for a woman. Disappointment will set in when you see each other for the first time on Skype or, at the latest, when the first meeting takes place. Thus, you will only waste your time and the time of a man.
Photo quality – Choose The Right Photo – Choose The Right Photo
The danger of poor quality photos is that a man may think that this photo does not belong to you, that is, it was simply stolen from somewhere on the Internet. Unfortunately, there are scammers on the Internet and many men, registering on an international dating site and looking through the profiles of the fairer sex, behave quite carefully. Poor quality photos can alert you, because, firstly, they can be stolen, and, secondly, if the quality of the photo is low, the photo may not be relevant (taken several years ago).
Why should you pay special attention to the selection of photographs?
Many will say that appearance in relationships and family life is secondary, and the character of a person, his personal qualities play the main role. And they will be right! However, do not forget that we are talking about online dating. A questionnaire on an international dating site, no matter how versatile it may be, cannot convey the whole variety of personal qualities and character of a person.
The attention of men is attracted by photographs! – Choose The Right Photo
After all, it is not for nothing that they say that men love with their eyes, and women with their ears! Spectacular photos attract attention and compliments. Ultimately, it is the harmony of the image in the photo and the description of the person in the questionnaire that decide whether the man will write first, whether he will respond to the message.
It is important to please men, to attract their attention, and not to fight them.
Having been disappointed and lost confidence once, it is difficult to regain self-confidence and trust in men. If you initially treat online dating with foreigners with suspicion and skepticism, then it is easy to start neglecting the culture of writing, writing impersonal letters, uploading unsightly photos of poor quality, suspecting every new acquaintance of cheating, and even being rude to men. These are all defense mechanisms. We are afraid to find hope, to make an effort, and to be disappointed. However, without effort, it is difficult to achieve your goal. After all, many events in our lives occur “because”, and not “in spite of”, they occur not because we are fighting them, but because we are making efforts to implement them.
Judge for yourself: the probability that a man wants to get acquainted, because a well-groomed, smiling woman smiles at him from the photo is 95%. The probability that a man wants to get acquainted despite the fact that the woman in the photo looks very tired and dissatisfied is 5% (the probability that a normal man will write is 0.1% of these five percent).
A man will write because a woman has attracted his attention with good photos.
Despite the distance between them, he will fall in love with her, because she was sociable, cheerful, not shy, not afraid to ask her questions, not afraid of the language barrier and it was easy for them to communicate, they could laugh together. All this can happen, however, it will not happen in spite of silence, mistrust, bad photos and unequivocal answers.
Dating foreigners on the Internet is not a random meeting of fate on the street, but a purposeful “work”. Men and women register on international dating sites because they have a goal – to meet, meet their love, find a person with whom they can start a family, and not just sit online. Therefore, in order to achieve your goal, you need to work on yourself and make efforts.
Let’s look at the situation from a different angle – Choose The Right Photo
When choosing photos for an international dating site, you need to think about what kind of man I want to meet and what kind of man will be attracted to my photos?
The man who sits on the couch in sweatpants? Or a man who paid attention to his appearance and took care of a good photo?
A man in sweatpants is unlikely to attract your attention and you most likely will not even respond to his message. On the other hand, a good-looking man has his own requirements for a woman and can be easily repulsed by a poorly chosen photo. He will think, if she looks like this when she wants to meet and like a man, then what will she look like when I want to introduce her to my family, colleagues, friends, when I get home from work?
The Attitude of Men to Their Own Photographs
Leafing through the men’s catalog of an international dating site, you might think that many foreign men look quite ordinary or do not pay attention to their appearance. This impression is born because of the photographs that men upload to their profiles. Believe me, many men have a logical answer to this. However, it is difficult for us women to understand this logic. If a woman tries to show her best side, to be attractive, then men prefer photographs where they are depicted in an ordinary setting, in their “natural habitat”: that is, at home, in nature or in a bar. Men also do not take the time to take a picture again if the first shot was not quite successful. They consider such photos to be more natural than professional shots. At the same time, these same men have respectable photographs